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SungHa Kim
Business Analyst
I was born and raised in South Korea. At the age of 10, I immigrated to the U.S. with my family in search of finding and seizing greater opportunities. My journey took its first big step at the University of Wyoming with a BS in Energy Resource Management & Development (2021), then onto an MBA (2023).
During my education, I refined the skills I learned by exploring many different industries. I was a Business Development Intern for the University’s business incubation program, where I provided data analysis for a handful of tech start-ups at the early stages of their business. I was also a Research Associate for a NASA funded study of photochemistry on Mars, research that was derived from the findings of the Phoenix Mars Lander in 2008. During my MBA, I was the program’s Project Analyst, contributing to the development of Wyoming based businesses such as creating a brand for the Wyoming Wool Initiative, and spearheading research for a boutique hotel feasibility project in downtown Laramie, WY.
Being comfortable with new adventures, my first taste of the spirit industry came through my internship with Altamar over this summer. Infatuated with the first taste thus far, my journey now takes me into continuing my learning and growth of this newfound passion.

2101 East Coast Hwy, Suite 250
Corona del Mar, CA 92625
With Cocktailing,
Quality Bests Quantity.